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For user privacy, your password can be reset only through recovery codes.

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Backup Recovery Codes

If you forget your password, you can reset it through recovery codes. Please save them in a safe place, or you will lose access to your account. Treat this like a private key.

Please download and save codes carefully.

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Network error, please check the WiFi or Cellular.


This location is full.

It is not recommended that you place your node in this area. If you continue to increase, the revenue of all nodes in this location will decrease, because you’ll be increasing bandwidth supply in an area without rising demand.

Got it


The numbers of machine type you chose are not enough. Please choose another type.

Got it

How to join IPX node staking? helps IPX holders to become node operators and earn incentives, without any technical skills required.

1. Sign in or sign up

2. Submit IPX wallet address

3. Choose Staking Nodes

(1) Location is related to the Session Numbers, Session Price and Session Rewards that Nodes can provide, which may affect the final return.

(2) Machine type is related to the Session Numbers and Session Rewards that Nodes can provide, which may affect the final return.

(3) Node number is the number of nodes that you can stake.

(4) Stake per node is related to the Staking amounts.

(5) Days of staking is related to the activities launched by ipxus at that time. If we start the activity, the longer you choose, there will be more bonus rewards.

4. Check the estimated return of the configured node, click Confirm to place the order

5. Check reward details and your Staking Node, you can stop at any time

Start Staking